European Consumer Centre

Are you experiencing troubles with any EU, Norway or Iceland vendor?


Air carrier VIP Wings went bust

The Slovakian company VIP WINGS which operated the Danube wings airlines, was declared bankrupt. We advise consumers who purchased flight tickets via debit or credit card, but never flew nor got their money back, to ask their card provider for so called chargeback that would return the money paid to the bank account. Note that in most countries banks are not obliged to carry out chargeback by law, but according to…

Italian becahes: High fines and arrest for purchase of fakes

Souvenirs from Bella Italia? Pay responsibly, pay attention! “They have succeeded in accumulating a greater mass of objects, but the joy in the world has grown less”, warned Dostoevskij. Such a monition can be addressed to those purchasing merchandise in Italy from pedlars or unauthorized websites: yielding to this temptation, indeed, can lead to criminal penalties and to administrative fines. Firstly, the offence…

Press conference of ECC and CTIA – June 2 at 1 p.m.

Let us invite you to the press conference on 10th anniversary of the European Consumer Centres' Network ECC-Net that will be held on June 2, 1 p.m., at the seat of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority. Free of charge assisstance of the ECC-Net over the past decade will be presented by the Director of ECC CZ Tomáš Večl, the Director General of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority Mojmír Bezecný and Deputy of the…

Air Lituanica bancrupt – how to apply

Following the Decision of August 24, 2015, Vilnius District Court filled a bankruptcy case for UAB “Air Lituanica” (enterprise code 302792426). Bankrupt administrator is UAB “Baklis”, authorized R. Jacevicius. Bankrupt administrator accepts all pretensions of creditors till 23 rd of October 2015 by address: UAB “Baklis”, Kęstučio str. 60-2, Kaunas, Lithuania, fax. (370-37) 33 19…