European Consumer Centre

Are you experiencing troubles with any EU, Norway or Iceland vendor?


Christmas present non-delivered? You can get your money back

People, who don’t receive Christmas gifts ordered and paid online with a card, can get their money back. They can ask their card issuer for chargeback – a tool thanks to which their bank can withdraw the amount from the trader’s bank if the trader doesn’t prove the delivery. The experience of the European Consumer Centre shows that banks are likely to help their clients although they aren’t obliged by law to carry…

Online chat with the ECC director

Summary of the on-line interview on Czechs have increased their interest in shopping abroad. They buy clothes, electronics or food in foreign countries or via internet. Sometimes problems appear when shopping or on-line shopping in the EU countries, Norway or Iceland and that is when the Czechs can get a free advice on their consumer rights at the European Consumer Centre for the Czech Republic. “We…

Warning against fraudsters from Nigeria

Prague – It normally retails at over thirty thousand crowns, yet alleged Brit Larry Smith is selling it on Czech advertising websites for fifteen thousand. Seeing such a bargain, Tereza Kouklová didn't hesitate and ordered two Apple MacBook Air laptops at once. She sent Larry not just the thirty thousand for both machines, but also another 700 dollars (roughly CZK 44,000) for supposed tax and shipping.…

Consumers still face obstacles when shopping online

Many Consumers still experience problems when shopping online; this is shown in a new report released by The European Consumer Centre Network (ECC-Net). For the last two years, more than half of the cases received by the ECC-Net, 31 000 complaints, concerned online purchases. The majority of problems concern reported non-delivery, defective products and non-conformity with order. Germany, France, United Kingdom,…