Today is the World Consumer Day and Europe commemorates successfully resolved complaints of consumers against traders. One of them is the story of Czech Miroslav Krekáč who bought return flight tickets from Krakow to Los Angeles with transfer in Warsaw, all flights to be operated with a Polish carrier. All flights were cancelled one day after the purchase and the passenger started requiring the refund of the paid price exceeding CZK 12,000. He succeeded only after the intervention of the European Consumer Centres Network.
“On 11 March, 2020, I bought the flight tickets by a Polish air carrier. I should have flown to the US on 31 March and return on 11 April. The airline company cancelled the flight on 12 March. I wasn‘t informed of the flight cancellation and found the information on the trader‘s website, said Miroslav Krekáč. „The next day I asked for the refund. I tried to call and write to them, but no reply. In April, the trader made refunds available for all customers online – so I also filled in that e-form, but with no result or exact information when they would reimburse the amount. I was helpless for almost three months.“
He asked for help in his bank as well as the payment card insurer, who however refused to carry out chargeback. He gained the total amount of CZK 12,562 only thanks to the assistance of the European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net). „We assessed the case based on the provided documents and communication with the carrier. We shared the case with our Polish colleagues who contacted the airline demanding an out-of-court resolution of the case,“ said Ondřej Tichota of the ECC Czechia.
„Two weeks after I had contacted the ECC Czechia, I received the full refund of €494 (CZK 12,562) to my card. I am extremely grateful to the Czech centre and the Polish centre who contacted the trader for their fast and free-of-charge help. Here we can see the great benefit of the European Union for ordinary citizens!” Miroslav Krekáč summed up.
30 offices of the European Consumer Centres network starts publishing similar success cases on their social media channels, including facebook and twitter of ECC Czechia.